This data was
collected in order to study the repeatability and reproducibility of hydrophone
measurements of ultrasound fields.
Sets of independent measurements were made with two
probe (0.2 mm, 40 µm) and two membrane hydrophones (0.4 mm, 0.2 mm differential)
(all from Precision Acoustics) to examine the repeatability of measurements.
The pressures measured by these hydrophones in three different ultrasound
fields, with both linear and nonlinear, pulsed and steady state driving
conditions, were acquired to assess the reproducibility of measurements between
Repeatability measurements: Sets of five independent
measurements were made with each hydrophone of the field generated by a single
element focusing bowl transducer (Sonic Concepts H151) driven at a frequency of
1.1 MHz, with both a 4 cycle burst and under quasi steady state conditions.
Axial and lateral line scans passing through the focus were acquired at a drive
level which generated a weakly nonlinear field.
Reproducibility measurements: Two single element
focusing bowl transducers (H151 at 1.1 MHz, and H101 at 3.3 MHz, Sonic
Concepts) and one diagnostic linear array (L14-5 at 5 MHz, Ultrasonix) sources
were used. For the single element transducers, axial and lateral line scans
passing through the focus were acquired with each hydrophone at two drive
levels to generate both a linear and a weakly nonlinear field, with both a 4
cycle burst and under quasi steady state conditions. For the diagnostic linear
array, lateral line scans were acquired passing through the beam axis at an
axial distance of 40 mm. The transducer was driven with a 4 cycle burst at a
power level that generated harmonics up to 30 MHz.All measurements were acquired using an
automated scanning tank filled with degassed, deionised water. The transducers
mounted in a fixed xyz position with automated tilt, rotate adjustment.
Hydrophones were mounted on an automated xyz stage, with manual tilt, rotate
In total this study contains 12 datasets, the
corresponding figure or table in the paper is given in brackets:
1-4: Repeatability and reproducibility - H151 x
4 hydrophones (Figs 1-4, Table 3)
Each dataset contains axial and lateral line
scans at 2 drive levels, with a 4 cycle and a 40 cycle burst, with 5 sets of
scans at the high drive level and one set of scans at the low drive level
5-8: Reproducibility – H101 x 4 hydrophones (Figs 4-5, Table 3)
dataset contains a single set of axial and lateral line scan at each of 2 drive
levels, with a 4 cycle and a 120 cycle burst.
9-12: Reproducibility – L14-5 x 4 hydrophones
(Fig 6, Table 3)
Each dataset contains lateral scans at 1 power