Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The Continuing Vocational Training Survey, 2010 (CVTS4) aimed to assess the provision of continuing vocational training (CVT) in businesses in terms of the types of training offered, the numbers of employees being given training, the costs of training provision, and its management and delivery. Initial vocational training (IVT) such as that specifically designed for apprentices / trainees, or for inductions, was also covered in a separate section. The scope of CVTS4 was enterprises employing ten or more people and it measured the training provided to employees other than apprentices and recognised trainees. In total 4,604 enterprises of varying sizes were represented in the survey. Participants in the survey were Personnel Managers, Personnel Directors and other senior persons with responsibility for training for their enterprise. The survey in the UK is part of a pan-European investigation across EU nations and is the fourth in a series undertaken at half-decade intervals. The survey mainly concerns the vocational training undertaken by those employers in the ‘reference year’ of 2010 (previous reference years of earlier editions of the survey having been 1995, 2000, and 2005). The Statistical Office of the European Commission (Eurostat) undertook co-ordination of the study. The data available at the UKDA cover the UK only.
Main Topics:
Topics covered include:employer’s provision of different types of continuing vocational trainingparticipation by different groups of employees in different types of continuing vocational trainingtraining policies and management processesquality assurance with regard to continuing vocational trainingbarriers to providing continuing vocational trainingprovision and participation in initial vocational training
One-stage stratified or systematic random sample
Face-to-face interview
Telephone interview
Web-based survey