Improving the experience of dementia and enhancing active life 2014-2018


The IDEAL programme is a longitudinal cohort study of people with dementia (PwD) and primary carers (Carers) across Great Britain, led by the Centre for Research in Ageing and Cognitive Health (REACH) at the University of Exeter. The data in this archive relate to the first part of the programme (Waves 1 to 3), which took place between March 2014 and December 2019. The aim of the IDEAL programme is to identify what helps people to live well or makes it difficult to live well in the context of having dementia or caring for a person with dementia, and to understand what ‘living well’ means from the perspective of PwD and Carers. IDEAL conceptualised living well as including satisfaction with life, psychological well-being, and quality of life. The research questions that were central to the development of the programme are as follows: 1. How do capitals, assets and resources, and adaptation in response to dementia-related and other challenges, influence the ability to live well for PwD and Carers, and what are the reciprocal influences between PwD and Carers factors? 2. How do changes over time in capitals, assets and resources, dementia-related and other challenges, and adaptation affect evaluations of living well for PwD and Carers? 3. What do PwD and Carers believe helps or hinders the possibility of living well, and what factors are particularly important to them as regards being able to live well with dementia? At Baseline (Wave 1), data from 1547 PwD and 1283 Carers were included in the programme. Participants were interviewed again at 12 months (Wave 2; 1190 PwD and 992 Carers) and 24 months (Wave 3; 856 PwD and 760 Carers). Interviews were carried out in participants’ own homes. Researchers were NHS staff working from one of 29 research sites across Great Britain. Completed surveys were returned to North Wales Organisation for Randomised Trials in Health (NWORTH) for data entry and dataset production.Living well with dementia, whether as a person with dementia or primary (usually family) carer, can be understood as optimising satisfaction with life, reaching one’s potential for well-being, and experiencing the best possible quality of life (QoL). Enabling people with dementia (PwD) and carers to live well with dementia is a key UK policy objective, but policy recommendations do not tell us how this can be achieved. The IDEAL programme, led by the Centre for Research in Ageing and Cognitive Health (REACH) at the University of Exeter, aims to understand what ‘living well’ means from the perspective of people with dementia and carers and how this changes over time, and to identify how best to enable people with dementia and carers to live well. The first phase of IDEAL, funded by ESRC and NIHR, was conducted between 2014 and 2019, and focused on a longitudinal cohort study in which people with mild-to-moderate dementia were recruited, where possible with an accompanying carer, from memory services in 29 NHS sites throughout Great Britain and through the online Join Dementia Research portal. Participants were assessed at three yearly intervals (Waves 1, 2 and 3) by clinical research network staff. At Wave 1, the cohort comprised 1547 people with dementia and 1283 carers. At Wave 2, 1190 people with dementia and 992 carers remained in the study, and at Wave 3 856 people with dementia and 760 carers contributed. Participants were interviewed in their own homes and completed measures reflecting their ability to live well (quality of life, satisfaction with life, and well-being), and a range of social, psychological, physical, environmental and economic factors potentially associated with ability to live well. Carers, where available, provided information about both the person with dementia and their own experiences. Completed surveys were returned to the North Wales Organisation for Randomised Trials in Health (NWORTH) for data entry and dataset production. From the main cohort a smaller group of 20 people with dementia whose ability to live well improved or declined over the first year of the study was identified, and these individuals and their carers were interviewed in more depth in years 2 and 3. Involvement of people with dementia and carers was integral to developing and conducting the IDEAL programme and ensuring its relevance. The ongoing second phase of IDEAL, funded as an Alzheimer’s Society Centre of Excellence, involves continued follow up of the cohort participants alongside additional work focused on inclusion of ‘seldom heard’ groups.

Researchers screened patient records, clinic files, and databases of people interested in taking part in research in order to identify eligible participants. Participants were also recruited by drawing on contacts with community mental health teams, social services, voluntary sector groups and the Join Dementia Research initiative. Recruitment targeted people of any age and any type of dementia who had mild-to-moderate dementia on entry to the study, yielding a sample ranging from mild-to-severe dementia at follow up. The study’s sampling strategy was informed by robust population estimates on the key parameters of dementia sub-type, age, gender, living situation and relationship with primary caregiver. Inclusion criteria for the PwD were a clinical diagnosis of dementia (any sub-type) and an MMSE score of 15 or above. Exclusion criteria were co-morbid terminal illness in the PwD at Wave 1, inability to provide informed consent at Wave 1, and any known potential for home visits to pose a significant risk to researchers. Interviews were conducted in participants’ own homes and occurred over three Waves: Baseline (Wave 1); 12 month follow-up (Wave 2); and 24 month follow-up (Wave 3). Interviews for Waves 1 to 3 took part between March 2014 and August 2018. Researchers filled out paper case report forms (CRFs) face-to-face with the PwD with the aid of showcards. Carer CRFs were designed for self-report and contained reporting on the PwD to produce “informant ratings” and providing information about themselves to produce “self-ratings”. CRFs are composed of questions about demographic details, existing standardised measures and ratings, and new measures developed for the study. Some measures have been shortened or otherwise tailored for the IDEAL programme, particularly for Waves 2 and 3 which contained reduced assessments. Detailed information about the study design and implementation can be found in the IDEAL study protocol, and also at the start of the Researcher’s handbooks, both in Supporting documents. A comprehensive list of measures, citations, and changes between Waves are found in the Data documents.

Metadata Access
Creator Clare, L, University of Exeter; Martyr, A, University of Exeter
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2020
Funding Reference Economic and Social Research Council; National Institute for Health Research
Rights Linda Clare, University of Exeter; The UK Data Archive has granted a dissemination embargo. The embargo will end in April 2023 and the data will then be available in accordance with the access level selected.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric; Text
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Great Britain