Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The purpose of this study was to investigate associations between television viewing patterns among manual workers, and a number of independent variables including domestic expenditure, middle class attributes, privatisation, conjugal roles etc. There are two surveys included in this dataset (1971 and 1973).
Main Topics:
Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Days per week/hours per day spent viewing, weekend viewing, hours spent watching ITV/BBC1/BBC2 (number receiving BBC2), selectivity, control on childrens' viewing. Head of household and spouse: leisure activities, membership of clubs/organisations, frequency of involvement. Entertaining (friends or relatives), conjugal roles, joint final decisions, family outings. Background Variables Head of household and spouse: age, occupation, income, employment status, vote (reasons), middle class attributes, length of marriage. Children: number, ages, type of school, qualifications, number earning. Total household income. Consumer durables, tenure, decor, furniture.
Stratified, quota (in survey 2, systematic sample of houses in a given area)
Face-to-face interview