A total of 72 dragonfly species, representing 42 % of Kenya's dragonfly fauna, has been recorded from Kakamega Forest. They represent by the families Aeshnidae (7 spp.), Calopterygidae (2 spp.), Chlorocyphidae (4 spp.), Coenagrionidae (11 spp.), Corduliidae (2 spp.), Gomphidae (10 spp.), Lestidae (2 spp.), Libellulidae (33 spp.), and Protoneuridae (1 sp.). Three of these are based on literature records only (Phyllomacromia kimminsi, Neurogomphus pinheyi, and Paragomphus alluaudi). The habitat preference and affiliation with other African regions is listed for all species. The dragonfly fauna of the Kakamega Forest is impoverished compared to more western Guineo-Congolian rain forest areas. Twenty species are of national importance for Kenya, since they are only found at this site within the country.