Investigation of the different head group H-bonding of D- and L-CER[AP] and its influence on stratum corneum model membrane architecture


The stratum corneum, as the main penetration barrier of the mammalian skin, is very important for all terrestrial life[1]. Its barrier properties are dependent on the lipid matrix (LM), composed of ceramides (CER), cholesterol and free fatty acids[1]. Its arrangement however is still not completely understood. The influence of the individual CER head groups on the overall LM structure for example was not yet investigated thoroughly. For the long chain C24 CER so far no investigations were performed at all, even though they are the most common type within the SC[13, 14]. Especially the omega-hydroxy-CER have a very special influence on the overall lamellar architecture an phase behaviour[8, 9, 17, 18]. This study is aiming to gain substantiated knowledge on the influence of the most common long chain omega-hydroxy-CER, the CER[A24P18] on the LM architecture. The omega-hydroxy-CER furthermore exist as two enantiomers, the D- and the L- form which greatly differ in their behaviour, so both forms will be investigated.

Metadata Access
Creator Deme, Bruno; Neubert, Reinhard; Schmitt, Thomas
Publisher Institut Laue-Langevin
Publication Year 2017
Rights OpenAccess; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Size 3 GB
Version 1
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields