These datasets describe sediment samples taken from the Batagay megaslump, located in Yana Uplands in northeastern Siberia. Most sediment samples were taken from the slump headwall (B19-P1) by rapelling down on a rope from the slump surface and taking samples with a hole saw (diameter 55 mm, 40 mm deep) mounted on a handheld power drill. A second profile (B19-02) of the lowest part of the slump headwall was sampled (~100 m south) using a hammer and axe from the slump floor. Two permafrost sediment blocks (B19-03 and B19-04) at the slump bottom that had fallen from the headwall were sampled using a chainsaw. Finally, a baidzherakh (thermokarst mound; B19-05) in the north of the slump was sampled using a hammer and axe. The samples cover 5 stratigraphical units: 1. lower ice complex, 2. lower sand unit, 3. woody layer, 4. upper ice complex, 5. Holocene cover.
Three sub-sets of samples were taken next to each other at each depth for biomarker, sedimentology and aDNA analyses. The data in these datasets are from the biomarker sub-set.