Sampled by M. Pruvot and originally identified by E. Topsent as 'Cliona labyrinthica', tentatively identified as S. coralliphagum by C. Schönberg. All measurements are of mature, fully formed oxeas to allow statistical comparison with other samples. Measurements conducted by C. Schönberg on preparation of acid-cleaned spicules made by E. Topsent. Data are sorted vertically by spicule width.; Topsent, Emile (1900) Étude monographique des spongiaires de France. 3. Monaxonida (Hadromerina). Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale(3)8: 1-331, pls. 1-8 (MNHN DT 2423: pp. 103-104). Schönberg, Christine H. L.; Desqueroux-Faúndez, Ruth (in review) A revision of the genus Aka (Demospongiae : Phloeodictyidae), with the proposal to rename it Siphonodictyon. Zootaxa. Schönberg, Christine H. L. (in review) Eight new descriptions and twenty-one redescriptions of Siphophonodictyon spp. (Demospongiae : Phloeodictyidae), with emphasis on their spicules. Zootaxa.