The data consist of ~600 U-Th ages of scleractianian cold-water corals dated by laser ablation and isotope dilution methods covering the last 150,000 years. The corals are from three locations: Reykjanes Ridge (57°N to 61°N, 28°W to 33°W); Tropic Seamount (23°55'N, 20°45'W); and the East Equatorial Atlantic from Carter (9°N, 21°W) and Knipovich seamounts (5°N, 27°W). The samples were collected with ROV and dredges during the cruises: CE0806 in 2008 (Reykjanes Ridge); JC094 in 2013 (Equatorial Atlantic); and JC142 in 2016 (Tropic Seamount). Additionally, a compilation of ~750 U-Th and 14C ages of scleractianian cold-water corals from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean is presented. The complete dataset is used to investigate the temporal and spatial coral distribution at Northeast Atlantic Ocean and the relation with past climatic events.