Labourmarket Monitoring I: Enterprise Suvey 2005


The aim of LAMO (Labourmarket Monitoring) is the development, application and validation of a monitoring tool for the regular survey of the changes on the labour market in the course of the EU enlargement. Another goal is to complement the objective labour market data with information on the subjective willingness of people in the border regions to commute between home and work or to emigrate. Thereby, developments can assessed and this enables politics to react accordingly in time. The need for labour force in the regions is evaluated so that the whole labour market situation can be considered. The LAMO tools are expert interviews, household and enterprise interviews. The enterprise interview questions are on the following topics:->corporate structure, number of employees, requirement of employees (qualification, knowledge,type of employment), desired attitude to work, willingness to employ foreign workers, working conditions, recruiting sources, development of the number of employees, criteria for the choice of location.

Non-probability: Quota

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper

Metadata Access
Creator Hudler-Seitzberger, Michaela; Bittner, Marc
Publisher AUSSDA; The Austrian Social Science Data Archive
Publication Year 2020
Rights For more Information please visit AUSSDA's web page
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland; South Bohemia, South Moravia, North Moravia; Vas, Zala, Györ-Moson-Sopron; Bratislava, Trnava; Austria; Czech Republic; Hungary; Slovakia