Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the employment experience and work-related attitudes of the economically active residents of three small areas of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, two of them inner city areas, and one an outer suburban area of predominantly `working class' housing; to compare the responses of the residents of the three areas; and to investigate changes in respondents' labour market experiences and attitudes and aspirations by means of follow-up interviews approximately 18 months after the initial survey ( follow-up interview data not included in this deposition).
Main Topics:
Variables Current employment situation and immediate prospects: work history (occupations; periods of unemployment, of education/training, and of unavailability for work; means of obtaining jobs and reasons for leaving) over a ten year period; education, training, first job; trade-union membership; job preferences and labour market prospects; residential history and preferences; attitudes and aspirations related to work and economic policies; income.
Multi-stage stratified random sample
one in two of all households in the designated areas, followed by all the economically active resid
Face-to-face interview