Fostering children's creative thinking skills with the 5-I training program


The datasets contains all raw and analyzed data in the research described in the research paper by Gu and Colleagues (see above). The paper aimed to develop and examine the effectiveness of a two-hour, domain-unspecific creativity training program: the 5-I training program. The training program consisted of eight creativity exercises performed in a training session of two hours. The effectiveness of the training on stimulating children’s creative thinking skills was assessed by means of a pretest and posttest comparison using three creativity tasks (Alternative Uses Task, drawing task and guessing task). For each task several measures of creative performance were examined (e.g., fluency, flexibility, infrequency, elaboration). Following the creativity training, improvements were observed on the three creativity tasks. Data were collected in a pretest-posttest within-subjects design by paper and pencil tests. The raw data of children’s handwritten are provided in the digitalized paper documents. A methodology section is provided below, which explains in detail how the raw data were recoded into final scores/analyzed data. For more information or questions, please contact the authors. The raw and analyzed data are provided in SPSS. A codebook table is also provided to describe the variables in the SPSS files. The syntax files contain all steps of data analyses that are performed in order to get to the results as described in the paper. The dataset (both raw data and analyzed data) has been fully available upon publication of the paper. A step by step instruction of the creativity training and part of the creativity scoring manual (categorization tables to score flexibility) is not shared openly in order to protect intellectual property. For more information about the creativity training and scoring manuals, please contact the researchers (see contact information above).

Metadata Access
Creator X. Gu; A.J. Dijksterhuis; S.M. Ritter
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor RU Radboud University
Publication Year 2020
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact RU Radboud University
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/pdf; text/tab-separated-values; text/xml; application/zip; application/x-spss-syntax
Size 931405; 953884; 810393; 882142; 946906; 910570; 920650; 914502; 854845; 888396; 880406; 792718; 934783; 925129; 914498; 902021; 749325; 818145; 809772; 905503; 889586; 910966; 876560; 882445; 839302; 883909; 833141; 785192; 763677; 806391; 847923; 739146; 754781; 849499; 1068169; 841862; 854923; 1003751; 947596; 828594; 982431; 798714; 855177; 890797; 900367; 821006; 799989; 935405; 905651; 721881; 767814; 854019; 869578; 1111780; 850781; 754752; 961001; 969049; 1250470; 993125; 950985; 942150; 829987; 1087081; 860090; 905868; 795773; 746493; 825004; 857791; 977945; 942578; 861936; 985913; 897930; 757110; 887465; 779498; 822306; 963292; 865147; 734082; 722120; 848609; 835276; 722412; 823437; 906915; 733789; 873764; 883802; 762429; 790932; 866871; 737239; 783183; 863441; 745522; 821520; 878599; 907379; 802852; 878992; 797588; 850855; 782605; 923805; 875957; 861221; 873551; 926901; 800440; 747076; 855934; 875167; 903039; 958503; 960887; 932853; 908573; 933633; 969322; 835491; 847918; 921412; 942008; 888559; 884775; 785093; 842286; 828755; 832995; 839480; 879457; 851645; 871326; 868998; 932673; 941467; 887089; 964595; 975922; 890173; 849062; 799120; 834904; 737858; 860423; 812269; 874025; 821557; 710342; 888222; 937516; 835572; 781480; 820534; 845534; 852085; 818114; 865087; 903557; 881765; 847455; 852924; 819620; 838621; 911723; 810688; 835631; 796853; 816237; 914664; 891761; 858292; 815304; 855093; 823255; 961734; 867390; 842475; 908429; 842823; 966591; 832992; 829708; 913908; 899200; 853101; 789526; 866209; 960971; 904881; 912445; 833577; 848904; 812098; 900185; 918568; 878966; 881459; 884816; 920562; 957256; 840321; 909826; 935483; 952409; 857273; 841738; 901127; 802661; 971602; 904220; 926264; 891583; 947660; 926031; 818426; 916720; 833172; 791430; 958805; 951168; 992062; 880293; 837412; 902942; 841598; 842655; 1096813; 851659; 914052; 937973; 940829; 849734; 855322; 950531; 851169; 844452; 848868; 854247; 800260; 895822; 1053715; 843056; 794587; 927509; 806027; 941443; 748761; 978633; 1000163; 1045870; 944502; 865469; 965872; 1113301; 775716; 928412; 787533; 1032897; 771896; 810000; 805915; 762526; 1150130; 800570; 845173; 776244; 916985; 815355; 851621; 1081430; 874808; 958375; 948733; 876300; 835118; 853902; 976523; 813038; 747707; 919285; 959391; 762391; 744588; 967891; 764812; 890793; 1180813; 1020325; 862146; 1004461; 877365; 777360; 745758; 826523; 857405; 970063; 843014; 1032717; 881454; 719010; 768598; 808795; 884323; 1028389; 798977; 780105; 849497; 807381; 981772; 794178; 749625; 943854; 884602; 863973; 759374; 929167; 881446; 864033; 911417; 784543; 859396; 740500; 801105; 687839; 863487; 752992; 944286; 997864; 1165166; 922627; 968143; 965664; 917539; 916150; 889407; 946130; 992265; 941296; 886877; 904474; 12067; 12955; 9509; 13432; 10397; 10874; 5341; 9325; 7777; 221130; 6413; 5381; 226271; 7700; 2319
Version 2.2
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences