Covariance resampling for particle filter -- state and parameter estimation for soil hydrology [dataset]


This repository contains the data for the paper 'Covariance resampling for particle filter -- state and parameter estimation for soil hydrology'. All plots contained in the paper can be reproduced using this data.

The zip-archive '' contains eight HDF5 files.

Files ending with '..._data.h5' contain the data of the synthetic truth: 'measurement_positions': position [cm] of the measurements Following data have the time [s] in the first row: 'measurement_stddevs': standard deviation of the measurements 'measurements': actual measurements 'true_state': true water content state 'true_state_parameter': true values of the Mualem-van Genuchten parameters, where the first pair is the decadic logarithm of the saturated conductivity function, the second pair is the parameter n-1 and the third pair is alpha.

Files ending with '..._da_run.h5' contain the particle filter run, where the data has the time [s] in the first row: 'weights_prior': initial weights (equally weighted) 'weights_forecast': weights after the forecast 'weights_weighted': weights after updating with the measurements 'weights_analysis': weights after resampling

In the folder 'state' and 'state_parameter' is the temporal development of each ensemble member saved, including their mean.

The main run of the paper, used for the plots in section 4 & 5 is saved in: 'resampling_main_data.h5' 'resampling_main_da_run.h5'

The run without data assimilation (resampling is switched off) from the start is saved in: 'free_run_da.h5'

The particle filter runs with a model error used for the plots in section 6.2 are saved for the 10% bias in: '10_percent_bias_data.h5'

and for the 20% bias in: '20_percent_bias_data.h5'

Since the runs in section 6.1 and the supplementary are too large, the analyzed data is saved in: 'seed_dependency_analysis.h5'

Section 6.1: The folders 'adaptivity_1_0', 'adaptivity_1_1', 'adaptivity_1_2' and 'adaptivity_1_3' contain the ensemble members, mean and variance of the water content used for figure 10 in the paper.

Supplementary: The rest of the data in 'seed_dependency_analysis.h5 ' is part of the supplementary. The mean parameter value at the last assimilation time step is saved for each parameter with the different realizations in x-direction and the ensemble sizes in y-direction. The ensemble sizes are different for each factor of gamma: for gamma=1.0: from: 20 to 180 with stepsize 20               from: 200 to 600 with stepsize 50               from: 700 to 1000 with stepsize 50 for gamma=1.1: from 20 to 300 with stepsize 20 for gamma=1.2: from 10 to 180 with stepsize 10 for gamma=1.3: from 10 to 160 with stepsize 10

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Berg, Daniel ORCID logo; Hannes H. Bauser ORCID logo; Kurt Roth ORCID logo
Publisher heiDATA
Contributor Berg, Daniel
Publication Year 2019
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Berg, Daniel (Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), Heidelberg University, Germany)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 535931715
Version 1.1
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences; Physics