CHAQ2020 - Snow Hillön - Fotografiska data och videodata - CHAQ2020 - Snow Hillön - Ortofoton


The first Swedish Antarctic Expedition (1901-1903), led by Otto Nordenskjöld, sailed to Antarctica on the ship Antarctic captained by CA Larsen, and established a research station on Snow Hill Island. There six members overwintered and performed paleontological, meteorological, geomagnetic and geological studies, while the rest of the expedition set sail for South Orkney. After the winter, on the way back to Snow Hill Island, the Antarctic got stuck in the ice and sank. At this point, the expedition members were divided into three groups. One of these overwintered an extra year on Snow Hill Island, whereas the other two groups were forced to build stone huts in order to overwinter at Hope Bay and Paulet Island. An Argentinean vessel, the Corbeta Uruguay, rescued the expedition in November 1903. CHAQ 2020 is an Argentinean-Swedish project with fieldwork in the area around the Antarctic Peninsula aiming to investigating and documenting the historical remains of the first Swedish South Polar expedition under the leadership of Otto Nordenskjöld 1901-1903. The material was collected in January and February 2020. This catalogue entry collects the photographic material, the panoramas, and the drone videos from Snow Hill Island. The dataset includes orthophotos of the winter station's eastern façade, as well as the coastline both from above and from the west. The orthophotos were created with Agisoft Metashape and structure-from-motion photography taken with a DJI Phantom 4, and Fujifilm X-T2 camera between January 12 and 19, 2020.

Syftet med forskningsprojektet var att dokumentera lämningarna efter Otto Nordenskjölds Antarktisexpeditionen 1901-1903. Materialet består av fotografier, planer, ritningar, 3d-modeller och drönarfilmer från Snow Hillön, Hoppets vik och Seymourön. Denna katalogpost samlar fotografier, panoraman, samt filmer inspelade med drönare, från Snow Hillön. Se den engelska beskrivningen för mer information. Datasetet inkluderar ortofoton av vinterstationens östra fasad, samt kuststräckan både uppifrån och från väst. Ortofotona skapades med Agisoft Metashape och SfM-fotografering med en DJI Phantom 4 och en Fujifilm X-T2 kamera mellan januari 12 och 18, 2020.

Metadata Access
Creator Westin, Jonathan; Almevik, Gunnar
Publisher Swedish National Data Service; Svensk nationell datatjänst
Publication Year 2021
Rights Access to data through SND. Data are freely accessible.; Åtkomst till data via SND. Data är fritt tillgängliga.
OpenAccess true
Discipline Ancient Cultures; Archaeology; History; Humanities
Spatial Coverage Antarctica; Antarktis