RNA-seq analyses of a fully-aquatic sea snake Hydrophis melanocephalus

Expression of chemosensory genes were investigated in order to understand the evolution of the sense of smell on becoming aquatic

Source https://data.blue-cloud.org/search-details?step=~01283C563DC143C81F4CA9C7A999CE66808C8C1F2F1
Metadata Access https://data.blue-cloud.org/api/collections/83C563DC143C81F4CA9C7A999CE66808C8C1F2F1
Instrument Illumina HiSeq 4000; ILLUMINA
Publisher Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service; ELIXIR-ENA
Contributor Kyoto University
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact blue-cloud-support(at)maris.nl
Discipline Marine Science
Temporal Point 2019-08-26T00:00:00Z