Steigerwaldt Land Services (STEI) is a relocatable terrestrial site within NEON's Domain 5: Great Lakes. STEI consists of two separate properties that are not spatially connected. The site of NEON's tower and related field study plots is managed and owned by Steigerwaldt Land Services, Inc. and is located to the east of Tomahawk, WI, approximately 1 mile north of the Treehaven site. However, the property is too small for NEON's distributed plot activities, and no nearby land area could be identified for these studies. Consequently, NEON has established a separate set of distributed plots in the Park Falls District of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest (CHEQ), about 30 miles NW of the Steigerwaldt tower.
Over 100 data products are generated from this field site.