Impact of moisture on the morphology of hybrid organometal halide perovskite films


Using hybrid organometal halide perovskites as sensitizer in hybrid solar cells has attracted very high attention in the last two years due to the very high efficiencies which have been reached within this time. One of the remaining major challenges is the moisture sensitivity of the used perovskites, which seriously limits application in solar cells since under the influence of moisture the solar cells rapidly degrade (within minutes). In the planned experiment we want to investigate the impact of moisture on the morphology of hybrid organometal halide perovskite films. These films, which are used as active layers for solar cells, will be places in a humidity chamber and will be subjected to different moistures. With in-situ grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering (GISANS) we will monitor the water uptake inside the perovskite films. From the GISANS data we can understand how water incorporated into the perovskite film affects its morphology and thereby limits the usability in solar cells. Based on this knowledge routs to stabilize perovskite films against moisture can be developed. The use of deuterated water gives the unique possibility to detect water inside the films.

Metadata Access
Creator Metwalli, Ezzeldin; Schlipf, Johannes; Porcar, Lionel; Biessmann, Lorenz; Oesinghaus, Lukas; Buschbaum, Peter Mueller
Publisher Institut Laue-Langevin
Publication Year 2015
Rights OpenAccess; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Size 705 MB
Version 1
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields