The study Children's voices deals with the incidence of violence based on ethnicity (language, culture and / or race) among children and adolescents in primary and secondary schools. Study recognizes wide forms of violence among children, both physical and psychological as well as institutional violence, which is reflected in the current legislation, school regulations and elsewhere. A survey conducted in Slovenia was a part of an international project that was carried out simultaneously in five countries: Slovenia, Great Britain (England), Italy, Austria and Cyprus. General objectives and purpose of the international survey were: to recognize the extent and the characteristics of interethnic violence; to identify the weaknesses of the legislative, school and other formal frameworks regarding children's rights; raising awareness and sensibility of the public regarding interethnic violence; identification of mechanisms for addressing and preventing violence on ethnic basis in elementary and secondary schools.
Non-probability: PurposiveNonprobability.Purposive
Self-administered questionnaireSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire