This proposal is a joined application by major swiss academic universities; EPFL, UNIL, UNIGE and SLS-MX; and lead by Dr. Florence Pojer, head of the protein Production and Structure core facility at EPFL, an expert in X-ray crystallography with over 20 years experience. The applicants are regular users of the MX beamlines at the Swiss Light Source at PSI. As SLS-PSI will close its door in summer 2023 for 2 years, It is now essential for our community to collect data at ESRF. Moreover, the access to the automated MASSIF-1 beamline, managed by Didier Nurizzo and colleagues, will be an amazing value to our current pipeline. A non exhaustive list of projects by the applicants is presented below. The consortium will need around 14 shifts per 6 months, similar to what they currently are allocated at PSI-SLS. Important note; no application was sent to other synchrotron sources.