Secondary analysis of qualitative data entails reusing data created from previous research projects for new purposes. This data represents part of the data supporting an article that provides evidence of the growth of data reuse in the United Kingdom. There are two distinct data sources that quantify the scale, types, and trends of reuse of qualitative data: (a) downloads of archived data collections held at the UK Data Service and (b) publication citations. Although the focus of the article is on the United Kingdom, some discussion of the international environment is provided. The conclusion summarizes the major findings, including some conjectures regarding what makes qualitative data attractive for reuse and sharing.
The data include two sources that quantify the scale, types, and trends of reuse of qualitative data: (a) downloads of data collections held at the UK Data Service and (b) publication citations. The first measure is the frequency and nature of downloads of qualitative data from the U.K. Data Service, and the second is citations of publications that have used or discussed secondary analysis of qualitative data.