International Centre for Language and Communicative Development: Speech Intonation Induces Enhanced Face Perception in Infants, 2014-2020


Infants’ preference for faces with direct compared to averted eye gaze, and for infant-directed over adult-directed speech, reflects early sensitivity to social communication. Here, we studied whether infant-directed speech (IDS), could affect the processing of a face with direct gaze in 4-month-olds. In a new ERP paradigm, the word ‘hello’ was uttered either in IDS or adult-direct speech (ADS) followed by an upright or inverted face. We show that the face-specific N290 ERP component was larger when faces were preceded by IDS relative to ADS. Crucially, this effect is specific to upright faces, whereas inverted faces preceded by IDS elicited larger attention-related P1 and Nc. These results suggest that IDS generates communicative expectations in infants. When such expectations are met by a following social stimulus – an upright face – infants are already prepared to process it. When the stimulus is a non-social one –inverted face – IDS merely increases general attention.The International Centre for Language and Communicative Development (LuCiD) will bring about a transformation in our understanding of how children learn to communicate, and deliver the crucial information needed to design effective interventions in child healthcare, communicative development and early years education. Learning to use language to communicate is hugely important for society. Failure to develop language and communication skills at the right age is a major predictor of educational and social inequality in later life. To tackle this problem, we need to know the answers to a number of questions: How do children learn language from what they see and hear? What do measures of children's brain activity tell us about what they know? and How do differences between children and differences in their environments affect how children learn to talk? Answering these questions is a major challenge for researchers. LuCiD will bring together researchers from a wide range of different backgrounds to address this challenge. The LuCiD Centre will be based in the North West of England and will coordinate five streams of research in the UK and abroad. It will use multiple methods to address central issues, create new technology products, and communicate evidence-based information directly to other researchers and to parents, practitioners and policy-makers. LuCiD's RESEARCH AGENDA will address four key questions in language and communicative development: 1. ENVIRONMENT: How do children combine the different kinds of information that they see and hear to learn language? 2. KNOWLEDGE: How do children learn the word meanings and grammatical categories of their language? 3. COMMUNICATION: How do children learn to use their language to communicate effectively? 4. VARIATION: How do children learn languages with different structures and in different cultural environments? The fifth stream, the LANGUAGE 0-5 PROJECT, will connect the other four streams. It will follow 80 English learning children from 6 months to 5 years, studying how and why some children's language development is different from others. A key feature of this project is that the children will take part in studies within the other four streams. This will enable us to build a complete picture of language development from the very beginning through to school readiness. Applying different methods to study children's language development will constrain the types of explanations that can be proposed, helping us create much more accurate theories of language development. We will observe and record children in natural interaction as well as studying their language in more controlled experiments, using behavioural measures and correlations with brain activity (EEG). Transcripts of children's language and interaction will be analysed and used to model how these two are related using powerful computer algorithms. LuciD's TECHNOLOGY AGENDA will develop new multi-method approaches and create new technology products for researchers, healthcare and education professionals. We will build a 'big data' management and sharing system to make all our data freely available; create a toolkit of software (LANGUAGE RESEARCHER'S TOOLKIT) so that researchers can analyse speech more easily and more accurately; and develop a smartphone app (the BABYTALK APP) that will allow parents, researchers and practitioners to monitor, assess and promote children's language development. With the help of six IMPACT CHAMPIONS, LuCiD's COMMUNICATIONS AGENDA will ensure that parents know how they can best help their children learn to talk, and give healthcare and education professionals and policy-makers the information they need to create intervention programmes that are firmly rooted in the latest research findings.

In Experiment 1, thirty-five infants took part in the study: 18 infants (mean age: 144.78 days; range: 115 to 177 days; 5 female) contributed to the auditory ERP analysis, and 19 infants (mean age: 146.47 days; range: 115 to 177 days; 5 female) contributed to the visual ERP analysis. In Experiment 2, thirty-one infants took part in the study: 18 infants contributed to the auditory ERP analysis (mean age: 135.61 days; range: 117 to 161 days; 5 female) and 18 infants contributed to the visual ERP analysis (mean age: 136.06 days; range: 117 to 162 days; 3 female). In both experiments the majority of the infants were included in both auditory and visual ERP analysis (Experiment 1: n = 16, Experiment 2: n = 16; see Supplemental Information for analyses on these subsets of participants). However, some infants contributed enough artifact free segments only in the auditory (Experiment 1: n = 2, Experiment 2: n = 2) or only in the visual (Experiment 1: n = 3, Experiment 2: n = 2) condition. All additional participants were not included in the statistical analyses due to an insufficient amount of artifact free trials or technical issues. All infants were born healthy (≤37 weeks of gestation), and were recruited from a database of parents from the local area who expressed an interest in taking part in developmental research studies. Parents were informed about the aim of the study and gave informed written consent before participation. Infants received a book for their participation. The study was conducted in conformity with the declaration of Helsinki and approved by the University Research Ethics Committee, at Lancaster University. Stimuli: In both experiments, the auditory stimuli were the same as in Senju and Csibra (2008), shared by the senior author: the greeting word “hello” uttered by a female voice in either IDS or ADS. Audio files were digitized and edited with Adobe Audition (CS 5.5), at 16-bit resolution and 44 kHz sampling rate. The speech had different length, 580 ms for ADS and 720 ms for IDS, but primarily differed in pitch and intensity. The mean intensity of speech was 75 dB for ADS and 85 dB for IDS. Auditory stimuli were delivered through loudspeakers located behind the monitor. Visual stimuli consisted of 9 color photographs with a white background, portraying white female adult faces with a neutral expression selected from the NimStim repository (Tottenham et al, 2009). The authors shared the visual stimuli, including instructions as to which faces from their repository can be used in our study and for publication. Each picture measured 355 ×x 473 pixels. At the viewing distance of 60 cm from a 19-inch CRT monitor, each picture subtended horizontal and vertical visual angle of 16.1° and 21.7°, respectively. In Experiment 2 we used the same pictures, but rotated at 180° (examples on Fig. 2). Procedure: Infants sat on their parents’ lap throughout the whole experiment. Mothers were instructed not to talk to their infants during the presentation of the stimuli. Each trial consisted of an auditory and a visual stimulus and the experiment consisted of one block including 108 trials, 54 trials in each ADS and IDS condition. All stimuli were presented with Matlab® (v. 2014b), using PsychToolBox functions and custom-made scripts. Each trial started with a central dynamic visual attention grabber swirling on a grey background for 2150 ms, after which it froze while the auditory stimulus (“hello”) was played. The attention grabber was centred on the screen. Then the attention grabber disappeared, and a face appeared on the screen, with the eyes located in the region previously occupied by the attention grabber. The stimulus onset asynchrony between the auditory and visual stimuli was randomized between 1050 and 1250 ms. The face remained on the screen for 1000 ms. During the inter-trial interval, the grey screen remained blank for a random period varying from 1000 to 1200 ms. To further attract infants’ attention during the experiment, there were 6 different dynamic attention grabbers, changing every 6 trials. The presentation order of the conditions was randomised, and trials were presented as long as the infant was attentive. If the infant lost interest, an animated spiral and a jingle were presented to reorient attention to the presentation screen. If the infant became fussy, the animated spiral was played again or the experimenter gave a short break and played with the baby. The session ended if the infant was no longer attracted to the screen. The whole experiment lasted approximately 15 minutes and was video-recorded for offline data editing purposes.

Metadata Access
Creator Sirri, L, Manchester Metropolitan University; Linnert, S,; Reid, V, University of Waikato; Parise, E, Lancaster University
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2021
Funding Reference ESRC
Rights Louah Sirri, Manchester Metropolitan University. Szilvia Linnert. Vincent Reid, University of Waikato. Eugenio Parise, Lancaster University; The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Other
Discipline Psychology; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Lancaster; United Kingdom