Oxygen (δ¹⁸O) and hydrogen (δ²H) isotope compositions of ice in core of large lithalsa in Sentsa River valley.Analyses were made at the isotope laboratory of the Geographical Department of moscow University on a Finnigan Delta-V mass spectrometer with the standard gas-bench option (Prof. Yu. Vasil'chuk, Dr. N.Budantseva, Dr. Ju. Chizhova). The δ¹⁸O and δ²H values were expressed per mill (‰) as the deviation of the respective isotope ratios of the measured samples from the Vienna standard mean ocean water VSMOW (δ¹⁸O = 0 ‰, δ²H = 0 ‰) and Greenland Ice Sheet Precipitation GISP (δ¹⁸O = -24.76 ‰, δ²H = -189.5 ‰), as well as IAEA laboratory standards (IAEA 12, δ¹⁸O = -12.10 ‰, δ²H = -85.9 ‰; IAEA 13, δ¹⁸O = -33.35 ‰, δ²H = -257.2 ‰) and the domestic moscow University standard of fresh snow from the Garabashi glacier in the Cuacasus (δ¹⁸O = -15.60 ‰, δ²H = -110.0 ‰). The precision of the measurements was 0.1 ‰ for δ¹⁸O and 0.6 ‰ for δ²H.