Know Your Movements: Poorer Proprioceptive Accuracy is Associated With Overprotective Avoidance Behavior


Pain-related avoidance of movements that are actually safe (ie, overprotective behavior) plays a key role in chronic pain disability. Avoidance is reinforced through operant learning: after learning that a certain movement elicits pain, movements that prevent pain are more likely to be performed. Proprioceptive accuracy importantly contributes to motor learning and memory. Interestingly, reduced accuracy has been documented in various chronic pain conditions, prompting the question whether this relates to avoidance becoming excessive. Using robotic arm-reaching movements, we tested the hypothesis that poor proprioceptive accuracy is associated with excessive painrelated avoidance in pain-free participants. Participants first performed a task to assess proprioceptive accuracy, followed by an operant avoidance training during which a pain stimulus was presented when they performed one movement trajectory, but not when they performed another trajectory. During a test phase, movements were no longer restricted to 2 trajectories, but participants were instructed to avoid pain. Unbeknownst to the participants, the pain stimulus was never presented during this phase. Results supported our hypothesis. Furthermore, exploratory analyses indicated a reduction in proprioceptive accuracy after avoidance learning, which was associated with excessive avoidance and higher trait fear of pain.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Vandael, Kristof (ORCID: 0000-0003-0476-270X); Vasilache, Alexandra ORCID logo; Meulders, Ann ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor faculty data manager FPN; Vandael, Kristof
Publication Year 2022
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
OpenAccess false
Contact faculty data manager FPN (Maastricht University); Vandael, Kristof (Maastricht University)
Resource Type Behavioral data; Dataset
Format application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; application/zip
Size 10265; 14370; 27996442
Version 1.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences