Estimation of the extent to which church oriented religions and christian beliefs are of importance to, or connected with: values, opinions, attitudes and behaviour in the secular sphere of life.Main topics: religion / values / conservatism / political attitudes / views on social change. Dimensions of religion: church involvement / world view / salience ( i.e. subjective importance of religion ).Aspects of church involvement: church membership and participation / participation in rites of passage / heteronomy versus autonomy in relation to the church / advocacy of a pluralist, democratic church structure / narrow view about tasks of the church.Aspects of world view: existence of an ultimate reality / meaning of life / meaning of suffering and death. Types of religious outlook: christian / otherwise transcendental / world oriented / agnostic / denial of world view aspects stated above ( atheism ).Aspects of salience of religion: religious reflection and experience / central role of religion in life / communication about and media exposure to world view themes / church oriented religion / subjective importance of religion in general and for making decisions.( Types of ) value systems: bourgeois / nature-oriented / inner life / hedonistic / social criticism / common humanity / traditional achievement values / traditional family values.Aspects of conservatism: restrictions on civil liberties / opposition to income and status equalization / opposition to tougher trade-union policy / rejection of intervention in life and death ( abortion, euthanasia ) / traditional view on women / economic and cultural conservatism.Aspect of political attitudes: political participation / media exposure to political issues / participation in extra-parliamentary actions / political interest / discontentment with politics / political self- perception ( left, right rating )views on social change: discontentment with society / opposition to versus active advocacy of social change.Various related notions and key words: religious data on parents and grandparents / ideology / marriage / baptism / funeral / God / bible / horoscopes / meditation / charity / family planning / suicide / European unification / freedom of speech, publication, demonstration, criticism of monarchy, refusal of military service, occupation of buildings.Note: machine readable or hard copy codebook available, containing extensive documentation in English.Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership.The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files.
Documentation of a national survey on social cohesion and modernization in the Netherlands.These surveys builds on earlier waves of the Religion in Dutch society survey, which have been conducted in the winters of 1979/1980, 1985/1986, 1990/1991, 1995/1996, 2000/2001, 2005/2006, 2011/2012, and the Social and Cultural Developments in the Netherlands survey 2017, 2018 and 2019.They are part of a long-standing research program, aimed at longitudinal research with a strong (a) substantial multi-disciplinary focus on religiosity, values, in-group solidarity and out-group derogation as well as a strong (b) methodological focus on high quality data, valid measurements and innovative data-collection designs.