Author: Hans Brenna
This dataset contains the simulations for our paper "Global ozone depletion and
increase of UV radiation caused by pre-industrial tropical volcanic eruptions".
All the simulation data are included in this dataset. The data consists of
NetCDF files containing output from the climate model CESM1(WACCM) as described
in our article. Briefly: Included are 3 ensembles, each containing 8 simulations,
a control simulation and 2 sensitvity simulations. The naming conventions are as
follows: cesmCompSet.experiment.(branchyear+memberNumber) The first element of
the case names is the same in all cases (f1850w) which means that all simulations
were carried out using the CESM1 component set F1850W
1) Control simulation case name: new_control
2) Full forcing ensemble case name: aCAVA_full
3) Halogen forcing ensemble case name: aCAVA
4) SAD forcing ensemble case name: aCAVA_SAD
5) Full (1% halogen injection) case name: aCAVA_full_1pc
6) Control simulation with increased natural halogen background case name: scen_nat_hal2