The Impact of Food Systems Research Network for Africa on Mentors Professional Development, 2023-2024


A dataset was created from responses to a survey conducted to evaluate whether mentors in an early career researcher development programme enhanced their capabilities by participating in a two-year programme as mentors. The survey specifically targeted mentors of early career researchers from higher education institutions in the United Kingdom and Africa. The objective was to assess the impact of the FSNet-Africa early career researcher development programme on mentors' professional development by determining the effects of being a mentor in the FSNet-Africa early career researcher development programme on mentors' networks and visibility, potential skills development, performance improvement, and personal growth in eight areas of professional development. These areas include conducting integrated research, research data management, integrating gender in research, research ethics, monitoring and evaluation, disseminating research findings, and stakeholder engagement.The Food Systems Research Network for Africa (FSNet-Africa) will strengthen food systems research and its translation into implementable interventions in support of interrelated Sustainable Development Goals related to food systems in Africa (focusing on SDG2 - Zero Hunger). The network partners - University of Pretoria (UP) (ARUA-CoE in Food Security host), University of Leeds (UoL) (GCRF-AFRICAP host) and the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) (GCRF-AFRICAP partner) have been selected based on their track record of working together, strengths in food systems research and existing partnerships with food systems stakeholders. The major contribution of FSNet-Africa to addressing the challenge of SDG2 will be its focus on developing a new understanding of the African food systems through developing the FSNet-Africa Food Systems Framework and utilising systems-based methodologies to conduct research that enhances understanding of the components of the framework, the interactions between these components, and ultimately the leverage points for food system transformation. The latter will be implemented by an interdisciplinary cohort of early career research fellows (ECRF) who are supported in their research to identify (in dialogue with food systems stakeholders) and evaluate climate-smart, nutrition-sensitive, poverty-reducing interventions. FSNet-Africa will collaboratively produce context-relevant, interdisciplinary research through creating 2-year long structured opportunities for up to 30 ECRF, majority female, who obtained their PhD's less than 10 years ago to (i) conduct impact-focused, gender sensitive, interdisciplinary research related to African food systems, (ii) build lasting research networks, and (iii) develop their skills to translate their research impactfully. ECRF will be selected from 10 academic partner institutions in six countries - Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia. The three formal components of the fellowships (science, mentorship and leadership development) will ensure that the ECRF are positioned in the necessary enabling environment and are provided with the opportunity to develop the necessary skills to produce excellent research, achieve the project objectives and significantly advance their academic careers. During the fellowship, each fellow will be assigned at least two mentors - one from an African university and the other from the UK. These research-triads will be carefully matched to ensure that the triad is an interdisciplinary team, enabling the ECRF to receive the support they need to develop and implement quality interdisciplinary research projects. The Science Component of the fellowship will be comprised of a fellowship orientation workshop, funding for research, participation in a split-site winter/summer school and a write-shop. After attending an Orientation Workshop with their mentors, ECRF will be expected to develop their research proposals that focus on climate-smart, nutrition-sensitive and poverty-reducing food systems solutions. Six months later, a 10-week split-site winter/summer school (at UP's Future Africa Campus and at the University of Leeds) will provide the ECRF with the opportunity to finalise their research proposals for implementation and to participate in various capacity development workshops. The Leadership Component will give ECRF the opportunity to develop skills the skills they need to be future food systems science leaders - such as managing research teams and leadership in science-policy communication. As a mechanism to facilitate research uptake and impact, every project undertaken by the ECRF will be co-designed and implemented in partnership with relevant policymakers, private sector role players or grassroots level organisations who will engage directly with the research teams at the Orientation Workshop, during the Winter School and in-country to implement the research.

A survey targeting mentors of 20 early career researchers from African higher education institutions in six countries. A total of 44 mentors who participated in the Food Systems Research Network for Africa (FSNet-Africa) program from the United Kingdom and African higher education institutions were invited to participate.

Metadata Access
Creator Swanepoel, F, University of Pretoria; Quinn, C, University of Leeds; Mkandawire, E, University of Pretoria
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference GCRF
Rights Frans Swanepoel, University of Pretoria. Claire Quinn, University of Leeds; The UK Data Archive has granted a dissemination embargo. The embargo will end on 2 January 2025 and the data will then be available in accordance with the access level selected.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric; Text
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage United Kingdom; South Africa; Malawi; Zambia; Kenya; Ghana; Tanzania