Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The survey formed part of a project investigating factors affecting migration within a metropolitan region, particularly flows between the inner city and other areas, the welfare effects of such movement and constraints on potential movers. Extended interviews were conducted with three population groups - recent movers, potential movers and non-movers - in each of 6 areas within the London region. The areas comprised 2 sets of inner London boroughs, outer London boroughs and O.M.A. towns, one along a N.W. radial and one along a S.E. radial from central London. The aims of the survey were to provide specific information on the considerations affecting individual migration decisions; to make comparisions between the situations, attitudes and characteristics of those who had not moved; to investigate the process of decision-making by actual and potential migrants; and to identify any significant changes in welfare resulting from a move.
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Variables Interview respondents were housewives and in the case of movers were limited to continuing households. The questionnaire covered: an objective profile and a satisfaction profile for the pre-mover household; potential trigger events in the household; the decision and search process; objective and satisfaction profiles for the post-move situation; and background characteristics and attitudes relating to the household.
Multi-stage stratified random sample
two-stage with an initial contact phase identifying groups of movers, non-movers, and potential mov
Face-to-face interview