The primary objective of the DIOSCURI project was to explore the dynamics of cultural exchange between “East” and “West” in the European economy, including identifying the main types of cultural encounters between the two halves of Europe during and after the Enlargement, mapping the major cultural gaps and strategies to bridge them, and describing the fields in which the new entrants can contribute to the rejuvenation of economic cultures in the European Union. DIOSCURI focused on three research fields: entrepreneurship (Field 1), governance (Field 2) and economic knowledge (Field 3). The Consortium expected to find a great variety of lasting cultural hybrids in economic and social behaviour, instead of a simplistic scheme, in which the "strong Western" culture devours the "weak Eastern" one. Main research question was To what extend are the new hybrid cultural patterns, emerging in the Eastern Europe compatible or incompatible with the prevailing Western patterns? The survey was carried out in nine European countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia/Montenegro and Slovenia. The present collection includes only the materials collected in Slovenia, for materials of other countries see In Slovenia two research methods were used - personal interview (RM1) and content analysis which is divided to EU (RM2_F1) and multinationals (RM2_F2). Content analysis "EU" (RM2_F1): The topic was presentation of Slovene accession negotiations with EU and its denouement from 1998 to 2004. Data include extent of coverage of this topic, Slovene and European accession negotiations actors, their attitude and relations between them, content fields, presented problems, fears, optimism and also political use of negotiations of Slovene political parties. Results show diversity of Slovene actors and European Commission as the only relevant actor of the European side, gradually tension decrease in negotiations and relative low level of negotiation use in parties-political confrontations, which primarily suppose to be consequence of high level of political consensus about EU integration. Content analysis "multinationals" (RM2_F2): Purpose of the analysis was to define relation towards foreign corporations that execute or intend to execute direct foreign investment in Slovenia. It was tested if there is typical media relation towards foreign capital and direct investments or relation depends on context, especially on relation between relevant Slovene actors and holder of direct foreign investment. Analysis is limited to four chosen Slovene media and set as a study of two cases: Renault corporation media treatment and Interbrew media treatment, in both cases particularly in relation towards Slovene environment, which in the first case reflects primarily through ownership of a Revoz and in the second case through Union brewery takeover attempt. The analysis treats relation between foreign corporation and Slovene sharers (Slovene enterprises, local communities, state, employees, Slovene nation - national interest, consumers, non-governmental organizations/civil society, natural environment); stresses with which corporation tries to present itself in Slovene public; values judgments that authors of media articles give on foreign corporations; and political-party dimension. It is indicated that the way in which corporation is presented correlates with length of its presence in Slovenia, corporation attitude towards sharers and belief in dependence of certain environment on presence of foreign corporation. As a key factor is exposed presence or absence of conflict of foreign corporation with relevant Slovene actors.
Face-to-face interviewRM1: Personal semi-structured interview carried out at locations depends on interviewees availability (Ljubljana, Novo mesto, Gorenjska, Klagenfurt), self completed questionnaire sent by email (10 %). RM2_F1, RM2_F2: Content analysis. Units were coded according to previously defined coding sheet.Interview.FaceToFace