High-resolution 2D seismic reflection data during research cruise MSM63 in April/May 2017 onboard RV Maria S. Merian. The seismic profiles were acquired with a two-105/105-in3-GI-Gun-array shot at 210 bar every 5 seconds and a 150 m-long streamer with 96 channels and 1.5625 m channel spacing. The resulting shot point distance is approximately 8.75-12.5 m at 3.5-5 kn ship speed. The frequency range of the two-GI-Gun-array is 15-500 Hz. The processing included geometry and delay corrections, static corrections, binning to 1.5625 m and bandpass filtering with corner frequencies of 25, 45, 420, and 500 Hz. Furthermore, a normal-move-out-correction (with a constant velocity of 1488 m/s calculated from CTD measurements) was applied and the data were stacked and then migrated using a 2D Stolt algorithm (1500 m/s constant velocity model).