European State Finance Database; Danish State Finance, 1230-1867


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The European State Finance Database (ESFD) is an international collaborative research project for the collection of data in European fiscal history. There are no strict geographical or chronological boundaries to the collection, although data for this collection comprise the period between c.1200 to c.1815. The purpose of the ESFD was to establish a significant database of European financial and fiscal records. The data are drawn from the main extant sources of a number of European countries, as the evidence and the state of scholarship permit. The aim was to collect the data made available by scholars, whether drawing upon their published or unpublished archival research, or from other published material. The ESFD project at the University of Leicester serves also to assist scholars working with the data by providing statistical manipulations of data and high quality graphical outputs for publication. The broad aim of the project was to act as a facilitator for a general methodological and statistical advance in the area of European fiscal history, with data capture and the interpretation of data in key publications as the measurable indicators of that advance. The data were originally deposited at the UK Data Archive in SAS transport format and as ASCII files; however, data files in this new edition have been saved as tab delimited files. Furthermore, this new edition features documentation in the form of a single file containing essential data file metadata, source details and notes of interest for particular files.

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The files in this dataset relate to the datafiles held in the Leicester database in the directory /poul/.. The data were compiled from various medieval sources and, for the early modern period, the source used is M.L. Nathanson, Historisk statistik Fremstilling af Danmarks National og Stats Huusholdning fra Frederik den Fjerdes Tid indtil Nutiden, (Copenhagen, 1836). File Information g130dd04. Revenues of the Particulair-Kasse (the king's special revenues), 1731-1.7.1771 g130dd05. Revenues from toll, excise duties and subsidies, 1747-1806 g130dd06. Expenditure of the Danish state, 1731-84 g130dd07. The national debt of Denmark, 1731-63 g130dd08. Expenditure of the Danish state, 1602-99 g130dd09. Revenues of the Danish state, 1600-50 g130dd10. Ordinary and extraordinary revenues of the Danish state, 1710-20 g130dd11. Total revenue from the Danish domains (len and Amter), 1642-48 g130dd12. Revenue from the 'Uniontaxes' from Denmark, the Norwegian fiefs (len) and the towns and clergy in Norway, 1640-48 g130dd13. Revenue from the Sound toll, 1636-48 g130dd14. Ordinary and extraordinary revenues of the Danish state, 1710-20 g130dd15. Annual Danish mint output, 1626-70 g130dd16. Revenue from the Sound toll, 1560-84 g130dd17. Revenue from Danish taxes, 1558-87 g130dd18. Estimated revenues of the Danish king, c 1230 and c 1524 g130dd19. Revenues of the Danish Finansdeputation, 1820-40 g130dd20. Revenues of the Danish Statsgeldsdirektion, 1820-40 g130dd21. Revenues of the Danish state, 1841-53 g130dd22. Revenues of the Danish state, 1854-67 g130dd23. Revenues and expenditure of Aabenraa amt, Schleswig, 1535-39 g130dd24. Revenues of the Danish central administration, 1513-23, including domestic credit g130dd25. Revenues of the Swedish royal chamber, 1527-37 g130dd26. Total debt of the Danish king, 1534-48 g130dm01. Danish royal revenues, 1710-1806 g130dm02. Danish royal revenues and expenditure, 1710-1806 g130dm03. Expenditure of the Danish state, 1710-1784 g130dm04. Revenue from the Sound toll, 1560-1648 g130dm05. Revenue to the Danish monarchy from Denmark, Norway and Schleswig-Holstein, 1731-71 g130dm06.* Denmark and Norway: army size, army cost and revenue to Danish monarchy, 1730-1769 Please note: this study does not include information on named individuals and would therefore not be useful for personal family history research.

No sampling (total universe)

Compilation or synthesis of existing material

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Bonney, R., University of Leicester, Department of History
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 1993
Funding Reference British Academy; Economic and Social Research Council
Rights Copyright R.J. Bonney, University of Leicester; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p>
OpenAccess true
Discipline Economics; History; Humanities; Public Finance; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Denmark