Broadband shortwave and longwave radiation measured in Sodankylä during the SnowAPP project


Broadband shortwave and longwave downwelling and upwelling radiation measured at the FMI Arctic Space Center in Sodankylä, inside the fenced wetland area, during three consecutive springs (2019, 2020, and 2021) in the framework of the SnowAPP field campaigns (Academy of Finland project #315497). The measurement period started before the onset of spring snow melt (around mid-March) and ended when the area became inaccessible. The used instruments were Kipp and Zonen CMP22 pyranometers and CG4 pyrgeometers in 2019 and Eppley PSP pyranometers and PIR pyranometers in 2020 and 2021 and were installed at about 1.5 m above the snow surface. The data are organized in daily files, the corresponding date being part of the file's name. The files include both the raw data (mV) and the calculated radiative fluxes (W/m2) as well as ancillary data such as battery voltage, temperature of the Campbell CR1000 data logger, and digital inclinometer output (in north-south and east-west directions). No quality check is applied to this published version of the dataset.

Metadata Access
Creator Pirazzini, Roberta; Hannula, Henna-Reetta; Kontu, Anna; Arponen, Teijo; Leppänen, Leena; Anttila, Kati; Rimali, Aleksi; Lemmetyinen, Juha; Räisänen, Petri
Publisher Finnish Meteorological Institute
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference Academy of Finland 315497
Rights CC-BY; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact roberta.pirazzini(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format dat; txt
Size 1.4 GB; 222 files
Discipline Environmental science
Spatial Coverage (26.650 LON, 67.370 LAT)
Temporal Coverage 2019-03-16T22:00:00.000Z 2021-05-19T13:00:00.000Z