Data for: Transforming Laser-Scanned 750 kW Turbine Surface Geometry Data into Smooth CAD for CFD Simulations


Note for access: The data is available to anyone interested, but in order to monitor access, we ask that interested users request access by logging in by using the account of their academic institution, selecting the files they want, and clicking "Request Access" If you do not have access through your institution, please contact us by clicking "Contact Owner", enter your email address, and mention the list of files you need. In both cases, please include a note stating your institution and your purpose for using the data. This dataset contains the point cloud files, the resulting airfoil B-splines, connectors, surface meshes, and surface CAD files for the three blades presented in the paper "Transforming Laser-Scanned 750 kW Turbine Surface Geometry Data into Smooth CAD for CFD Simulations," which correspond to the three blades of the WINSENT test site.

In this dataset, the blades are named according to the numbers identified on the tip of each physical blade: 008, 022, and 025, corresponding to blades A, B, and C, respectively, in the paper. Note: each blade was processed independently by the script, and as such, there will be small differences at the root. This means that the match between the blade root and the hub attachment point should be adjusted individually for each blade prior to simulation. Also, note that the blades are aligned along the z-axis, and the tower was thus tilted equivalently to the shaft axis; it is likely necessary to untilt the whole turbine prior to simulation. Additionally, note that the 0-pitch angle does not match the angle in the x-y plane in the given blade geometries. To have the blade in the almost (should be better than +/- 0.5°) proper 0° pitch position, you should rotate the blade by -7.5° around the z-axis.

The explanations for the individual files are provided in the accompanying file descriptions. Supplementary information is also given here for convenience.

The most accurate reconstructions of the blades are those with the closed trailing edge. These reconstructions closely adhere to the flat and slightly rounded trailing edge observed on the physical blades and from the scan data. The FreeCAD files include surfaces generated from 193 original 3D-smoothed B-splines created by the splprep package in Python, as part of the automated reconstruction, interpolation, and smoothing program described in the paper. Both the FreeCAD and .iges CAD files are recognized as the official blade geometries for the WINSENT wind turbines. The differences between the closed and open trailing edge versions of the provided blade sufaces are localized to the actual trailing edge and do not perceptibly influence the trailing edge thickness. To facilitate the use of the open trailing edge CAD data, a surface being only the trailing edge itself is also provided. For those interested in CFD or generating meshes of the turbine blades, the Plot3D structured and STL surface meshes of the blade (with the last 0.2% of the blade radius cut off and left as a hole) generated directly from the splprep B-splines from the developed software are available. Alternatively, the same data is also provided as a series of Pointwise connectors. Both the Plot3D and connectors are in ASCII format, whereas STL is in binary format.

For those wanting to vary the level of smoothing used in the 3D-smoothing step, the B-splines prior to 3D-smoothing are also provided in Python's Pickle format.

There are two source cloud datasets given: A) The original clouds from the laser scanning campaign, with most surrounding artifacts removed but without any modifications to the point data; these clouds are in ASCII format (.txt), compressed as bz2 tar archives. The first three columns provide x, y, z coordinates, and the fourth column the intensity of the laser reflection, which is necessary for realigning the scans using the targets that were placed on the blade surfaces. See the origData_ScanCampaignBladeArrangement.pdf file to see which scan file corresponds to which blade and side. The cloud file names beginning with Friday are for all pressure and suction side scans, and those beginning with Monday are for all leading and trailing edge scans. Note that for the LE and TE scans, the blades were slightly bent under their own weight and in different directions for each edge. No bending was observed in the PS and SS scans. B) The manually preprocessed clouds for each of the three blades. Preprocessing includes unbending of the leading and trailing edge clouds, removal of any non-blade artifacts, aligning/merging of the clouds for the suction and pressure sides to yield only one such cloud per blade, the division of the leading and trailing edge clouds at approximately the leading and trailing edges themselves, and finally, the separate treatment of the tip portion to eliminate the need for automatic alignment at the tip. These clouds are in CloudCompare format (.bin) because the automatic treatment by the developed software was partially conducted using the CloudComPy API. Notes about the WINSENT test site and its data This repository is meant to contain geometric data of the WINSENT turbines: the tower and hub data was closely approximated using a partial laser scan and photos of the standing Northern wind turbine while the blades come from a very careful reconstruction of the Southern turbine's blades. At the time of writing this document, in January 2024, both Northern and Southern turbines are identical by design, and the differences between their blades are expected to lie within the tolerances seen between the three blades of the Southern turbine. For all data coming from the sensors installed on-site, please register and log in here: For the positions of the two turbines and four met masts, either use the provided 'WINSENT_Test_Site.kml' file (e.g. by loading it in Google Earth) or the following coordinates (precise to the meter): GK3 (Gauß-Krüger, Bessel, Zone 3) Northern Turbine: (3561699, 5392296) Southern Turbine: (3561656, 5392158) NW Metmast: (3561565, 5392292) SW Metmast: (3561520, 5392153) NE Metmast: (3561823, 5392305) SE Metmast: (3561791, 5392165)

WGS84 Northern Turbine: Latitude: 9.8365878, Longitude: 48.6652184 Southern Turbine: Latitude: 9.8359836, Longitude: 48.6639818 NW Metmast: Latitude: 9.8347682, Longitude: 48.6651956 SW Metmast: Latitude: 9.8341368, Longitude: 48.6639502 NE Metmast: Latitude: 9.8382723, Longitude: 48.6652871 SE Metmast: Latitude: 9.8378171, Longitude: 48.6640314

The terrain data is also available in the WINSENT_Elevation.tec and WINSENT_Trees_Buildings.tec files, but an official request must be made to receive them. Don't forget to also request the WINSENT_Terrain_Infos.pdf file to have some context on the data.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding of the project WINSENTvalid (grant no. 03EE2048C) by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). This work has been partially supported by the MERIDIONAL project, which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme under the grant agreement No. 101084216. The support of Prof. Norbert Haala and Dr. Michael Kölle from the Institute for Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics of the University of Stuttgart for the preparation, execution and postprocessing of the scanning process is also recognized.

CloudCompare, 2.12.4

CloudComPy, commit 6448e4ff9b18a50acc2df9a3d241ef9f54a615cb

FreeCAD, 0.21

Python, 3.8.10

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Gagnon, Louis ORCID logo; Lutz, Thorsten
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Lutz, Thorsten; Gagnon, Louis
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference BMWK 03EE2048C ; European Commission info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/HE/101084216
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact Lutz, Thorsten (Universität Stuttgart); Gagnon, Louis (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type Dataset
Format video/webm; application/x-bzip; application/octet-stream; application/; model/iges; chemical/x-xyz; text/x-fixed-field; application/x-bzip2; application/pdf; text/x-python; application/
Size 12656864; 703866; 12691100; 702335; 12729464; 709454; 961615; 3840084; 457813345; 309339; 28674; 2676730; 2864600; 370930; 8829; 963216; 221309623; 311688; 28998; 311769; 8832; 961230; 364389049; 311850; 29241; 312174; 8828; 3486064; 20676656; 9787158; 33293846; 36072950; 39643170; 11933965; 2516347; 1928417; 24017120; 21208612; 32461016; 32193338; 31528406; 36261921; 12823290; 20809940; 19499347; 4384670; 3917593; 7005508; 5316407; 4894395; 5555191; 504925; 2336; 616110; 117936; 2160000135; 128304; 7533; 117207; 1801842; 6353; 10611; 2052152226
Version 3.1
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences