Monitoring practical science in schools and colleges, school data 2016-2017


The Monitoring Practical Science in Schools and Colleges study ran from 2015 to 2017. Data were collected in year 1 of the study in 2015, during reforms to the Scottish National 5 and Higher qualifications and prior to implementation of reformed GCSE and A level science specifications in England. Data collected in year 3 of the study (in 2017), was post implementation of reforms in Scotland and in England was at the point when A level students were completing the reformed qualifications for the first time and progressing to undergraduate study, and GCSE students had completed one year of their reformed programmes. Data is in the form of survey responses and transcripts from focus groups and telephone interviews with heads of science, science teachers and science technicians. This project collected data relating to practical work in science provision in schools and colleges collected in England and Scotland from 2015 - 2017. The project aimed to investigate the quantity and breadth of practical work undertaken and how this changed during the study. The project also sought to identify possible reasons for any observed outcomes. The project also examined how these data illustrate how school- and college-based practical work in science prepares students for laboratory based courses at university. Data were collected in year 1 of the study in 2015, during reforms to the Scottish National 5 and Higher qualifications and prior to implementation of reformed GCSE and A level science specifications in England. Data collected in year 3 of the study (in 2017), was post implementation of reforms in Scotland and in England was at the point when A level students were completing the reformed qualifications for the first time and progressing to undergraduate study, and GCSE students had completed one year of their reformed programmes.

Schools and colleges with pupils aged between 11 and 19 in England and Scotland were invited to participate in the survey. Multiple responses per school were encouraged. Further detail on the Research Methods is provided in the published report. In year 2 of the study the survey was delivered using online web survey software, “CVENT”. In year 3, the survey was moved to be delivered using Bristol Online Survey “BOS”. No respondents requested a paper copy of the survey.

Metadata Access
Creator Cramman, H, Durham University; Kind, V, Durham University; Kind, P, Durham University; Lyth, A, Durham University; Gray, H, Durham University; Younger, K, Durham University; Eerola, P, Durham University; Coe, R, Durham University
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2019
Funding Reference Gatsby Charitable Foundation; Wellcome Trust
Rights , Gatsby Charitable Foundation. , Wellcome Trust; The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Numeric; Text
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage England; Scotland