Mesozooplankton samples were collected with the Multinet midi (Hydrobios, Kiel) and Bongo nets during the POLARSTERN cruise PS78 (ARK-XXVI/1) on a transect across Fram Strait. The samples were analyzed with imaged-based ZooScan analysis (Gorsky et al. 2010) and microscopic counts to compare the taxonomic resolution and abundance of both methods as described in Cornils et al. (2022). The data collection includes abundance, biovolume, biomass and length measurements derived from the image-based analysis with ZooScan as well as abundances based on microscopic counts. To compare biomass estimates from image parameters direct measurements of prosome length and individual dry mass of Calanus spp. are also provided. The data analysis is described in Cornils et al. (2022).The R scripts deposited at GitHub (Cornils 2022) allow the transformation of the EcoTaxa image dataset to abundance, biovolume and dry mass of the zooplankton organisms.