The data represent monthly average values of a 20th century simulation (including year 2000) with observed anthropogenic forcings (CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, O3 and sulfate) initialized in year 2190 of the preindustrial control run. This is followed by a commitment experiment for the 21th century (years 2001-2100) with all concentrations fixed at their levels of year 2000.
Datasets with higher resolution (6 hourly) are also available.
Technical data to this experiment:
The experiment is using ECHAM5.2.02a coupeld to MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 GR1.5L40 The output from the model run:
Please note: experiment_name/acronym was renamed (27-JUN-2005, 20C_0 changed to 20C_1)