A total of four moorings ("1893", "Taymyr", "Kotelny", "Vilkitsky") was deployed in September 2013 during the Transdrift 21 - expedition and recovered in September 2014 during Transdrift 22 aboard the Viktor Buinitsky. The expeditions were carried out in the framework of the German-Russian "Laptev Sea Systems" partnership, and within the BMBF-funded "Transdrift"-project. The moorings were equipped with RDI-Workhorse ADCPs for current measurements and Seabird SBE37 for temperature and salinity measurements. Sampling intervals were 1 hour for ADCP, and 30 minutes for SBE37. Currents were corrected for misalignment based on angles extracted from: https://geomag.nrcan.gc.ca/calc/mdcal-en.php Not all SBE37 models included a pressure sensor. If pressure was recorded, the data files provide pressure and the converted water depth. For models without a pressure sensor, the data file lists only a constant value indicating the targeted instrument depth. Temperature and salinity data were despiked, and outliers exceeding three times the standard deviation were removed and interpolated.
Gear ID 1: CTD-SBE37, SN7878; Gear ID 2: CTD-SBE37, SN7879; Gear ID 3: CTD-SBE37, SN10748; Gear ID 4: CTD-SBE37, SN10749; Gear ID 5: CTD-SBE37, SN10750