UK Mask Wearing Behaviour and Attitudes in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Survey 1, 2022


These data detail mask wearing behaviour in the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. This includes when and where face coverings are worn, participants’ attitudes towards them and how media messaging impacts these attitudes and behaviours. In total, we surveyed 19,763 adults across the UK over a period of 10 days, regarding their face covering behaviours. This study is part of ‘Between environmental concerns and compliance: How does media messaging affect motivation and choice between disposable versus reusable facemasks?’ (AH/W003813/1), funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Some of the questions used in this survey were repeated in another survey later in the COVID-19 pandemic (data entitled: UK mask wearing behaviour and attitudes in the COVID-19 pandemic - Survey 2)Facemasks are a crucial part of UK strategy to contain and mitigate transmission of COVID-19. While disposable facemasks present a convenient, low-cost solution, they carry greater associated environmental costs than reusable masks which are less likely to be discarded but require higher financial outlay. Although clearly central, the influence of media messaging - positive or negative - in determining people's mask-wearing choices is unknown, despite the considerable medical and environmental implications. This project will explore the complex factors underpinning consumer choice of masks and the adoption or rejection of facemask wearing, including responsible disposal of masks, by using multi-disciplinary methods to evaluate constructive and destructive messaging around (a) mask-wearing and motivation, and (b) sustainable choices within the facemask wearing arena. There are three components: 1. Assessing the influence and effectiveness of media messaging around the wearing of facemasks to date. 2. Examining the ways in which more effective media messaging can be developed to respond to rising rates of infection as well as potential long-term facemask use in the post-Covid era. 3. Examining how the wearing of facemasks can be encouraged in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner to prevent short, medium and long-term collateral environmental harm, in alignment with the UK's obligations under international human rights and environmental laws. The overarching aim of this twelve-month project is, then, to better understand current facemask wearing behaviour as influenced by the media to improve uptake and enhance the effectiveness of media campaigns for the future, specifically considering environmental issues.

The survey was live on the survey platform PickMyPostcode ( between 17/01/2022 and 27/01/2022, through which participants were compensated £1 for their response. With every survey completed members build a cash bonus, which they have a chance to win alongside prize money that is awarded to winners randomly drawn from the postcodes. We targeted all postcodes across the UK. Individuals signed up to Pick my Postcode were notified on the survey page that there was a survey available for their postcode with a bonus of £1. Whilst PickMyPostcode recruited the participants, the survey was developed and completed on the Qualtrics platform.

Metadata Access
Creator Kupiec-Teahan, B, Bangor University; Willcock, S, Bangor Univeristy; Hassan, L, Birmingham University
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference AHRC
Rights Beata Kupiec-Teahan, Bangor University. Simon Willcock, Bangor Univeristy. Louise Hassan, Birmingham University; The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric; Text
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage United Kingdom; United Kingdom