Re-evaluation of submarine landslide deposit underneath the Makassar Strait and its potential generated tsunami


This is the data set that used to re-evaluate submarine landslide deposit underneath the Makassar Strait and to simulate the potential generated tsunami. Submarine landslide re-evaluation was done using 2D seismic lines covering the Makassar North Basin. These lines were acquired in 1998, 1999, 2001, and 2002 by different companies. The seismic lines were stored by Indonesia Data Center and Information Technology (PUSDATIN) of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and used in this research under a cooperation agreement letter number 4.Pj/KS.01/SJD.2/2022. the horizons of the submarine landslide deposits were picked based on Mass Transport Deposit (MTD) Criteria by Posamentier and Martinsen (2010). This process would produce deposits dimension and distribution as an output. The result of re-evaluation was used to simulate the potential tsunami using bathymetry data from Indonesia Geospatial Information Agency (BIG).This data covering the area of Makassar Strait from 1 degN - 3 degS and 116 degE - 120 degE with 185 m resolution and can be accessed freely through BIG website ( Simulation result was observed using 11 artificial observation station that located on the surrounding coastline. These stations were made so the time series of water elevation change could be observed.

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Metadata Access
Creator Valentra, Rizqi; Sujatmiko, Karina Aprilia; Rachmayani, Rima; Sapiie, Benyamin; Latief, Hamzah; Khadami, Faruq; Abdurrahman, Mirzam; Karima, Shofia; Anwar, Iwan Pramesti
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 51 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (115.000W, -5.000S, 120.000E, 5.000N)