Raziskava posveča posebno pozornost referendumu o arbitražnem sporazumu s Hrvaško in drugim aktualnim vprašanjem. Njen namen je predvideti udeležbo in izid referenduma o arbitražnem sporazumu ter ugotoviti kaj ljudje od sporazuma sploh pričakujejo: le končanje spora ali tudi takšno rešitev mejnega vprašanja, ki bi bila za Slovenijo ugodna, in kdaj bi bil po njihovem mnenju pravi čas za razsodbo: pred ali po hrvaški pridružitvi EU. V zvezi z Evropsko unijo so anketiranci odgovarjali na vprašanja kot so: koliko se po šestih letih članstva počutijo državljani EU, katere lastnosti ji pripisujejo, koliko poznajo delo poslancev in komisarja iz Slovenije ter ali bi podprli Milana M. Cvikla za člana računskega sodišča, če bi lahko o tem soodločali. Na aktualne teme so se nanašala vprašanja o neuspeli interpelaciji proti ministrici Kresalovi in možnosti privatizacije državnih igralniških podjetij, ki naj bi jo omogočila predlagana vladna strategija na tem področju. Kot vedno doslej pa je bila izmerjena tudi trenutna podporo vladi ter koliko so dogodki minulega meseca pomembno vplivali na razmerja med političnimi strankami.
The survey pays special attention to arbitration agreement with Croatia and to other issues at that time. Its purpose was to predict the participation and the outcome of the referendum on the arbitration agreement. The study was also carried out to find out, what is expected from the agreement: only the end of the disagreement or also a solution that would be favorable to Slovenia. Questions on when people think it would be the right time for the verdict, before or after Croatia joins the EU, are also included in the questionnaire. Respondents were also asked about the matters, related to the EU: how much they feel like EU residents now, after six years of membership; which features they attribute to the EU; how familiar they are with the work of members of the EU Parliament and the commissioner from Slovenia; and if they would support Milan M. Cvikl as a member of the Court of Audit, if they could be involved in the decision making. The questionnaire includes the questions about the relevant topics at that time, namely about the failed interpellation against the minister Kresal and the possibility of privatization of national gambling companies which would be enabled by the proposed government strategy in the field. As a regular practice until then, the government support and the effect of the prevailing events on the balance of power between political parties at that time, were measured.
Verjetnostno: stratificiranoProbability.Stratified
Probability: StratifiedProbability.Stratified
Telefonski intervju: CATIInterview.Telephone.CATI
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI