The distribution of data records for the maximum horizontal stress orientation S_Hmax in the Earth’s crust is sparse and very unequally. To analyse the stress pattern and its wavelength and to predict the mean S_Hmax orientation on regular grids, statistical interpolation as conducted e.g. by Coblentz and Richardson (1995), Müller et al. (2003), Heidbach and Höhne (2008), Heidbach et al. (2010) or Reiter et al. (2014) is necessary. Based on their work we wrote the Matlab® script Stress2Grid that provides several features to analyse the mean S_Hmax pattern. The script facilitates and speeds up this analysis and extends the functionality compared to the publications mentioned before.
This script is the update of Stress2Grid v1.0 (Ziegler and Heidbach, 2017). It provides two different concepts to calculate the mean S_Hmax orientation on regular grids. The first is using a fixed search radius around the grid points and computes the mean S_Hmax orientation if sufficient data records are within the search radius. The larger the search radius the larger is the filtered wavelength of the stress pattern. The second approach is using variable search radii and determines the search radius for which the standard deviation of the mean S_Hmax orientation is below a given threshold. This approach delivers mean S_Hmax orientations with a user-defined degree of reliability. It resolves local stress perturbations and is not available in areas with conflicting information that result in a large standard deviation. Furthermore, the script can also estimate the deviation between plate motion direction and the mean S_Hmax orientation.
The script is fully documented by the accompanying WSM Technical Report 19/02 (Ziegler and Heidbach, 2019) which includes a changelog in the beginning.