The dataset ‘Professionalization and Social Impact of European Political Science’ provides the results of a huge attitudinal survey conducted in 2018 on about 11,000 political scientists from 37 European countries, Israel and Turkey. The survey has been finalized in the first months of 2019 collecting more than 2,300 full questionnaire responses. The response rate was highly differentiated among countries but, overall, quite high. The Proseps project also launched a second multi-lingual CAWI (flash) survey to investigate European political scientists’ perceptions and concerns about the future of the discipline. The first invitations were sent in mid-March 2019 and the third and last reminder before the closing of the survey has been sent at the beginning of July 2019. The survey collected about 1500 full questionnaire responses. Being the development of the Proseps project deeply affected by the emergence of the pandemic outbreak (March 2020), the working team decided to realize a second flash survey to investigate to what extent the crisis has changed the professional life of our academic community. The survey, titled ‘Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Field of Political Science’, was launched on 9 October 2020 and closed on 4 December 2020 after three reminders. 1400 full questionnaire responses were collected, with an average response rate (respondents/population) of 11.5%.
Selbstausfüller:CAWI(Computerunterstütztes Web-Interview)