Paratexts in three text corpora


In three text corpora all the paratexts as well as narrative positions were collected and quantified. These three corpora consist of 109 titles of French war literature referring to the Franco-Prussian war of 1870/1871, 84 titles of primatological works, and 103 ethnographic works. For each of these three corpora, this data publication contains a bibliography, the raw data, the quantified data which were used for clustering, and code used in R for an exploratory analysis. These data support three research articles that have been published in German language: Jörg Lehmann, Über Genre und Form französischer Erinnerungsliteratur nach dem Krieg von 1870/71. Ein Beitrag zu einer quantitativen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung, in: Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte 41(2017), H.3–4, S.413–434. Fabienne Kilchör, Jörg Lehmann, Katja Liebal und Oliver Lubrich, Diesseits von Eden. Paratexte und Bilder in der Primatographie, in: Scientia Poetica Vol.22(1), 2018, S. 151–179. Fabienne Kilchör, Jörg Lehmann, Analyse von Begleittexten am Beispiel von 103 Ethnografien. In: Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften. Wolfenbüttel 2020. DOI:

Metadata Access
Creator Jörg Lehmann, ORCID: ORCID logo
Publisher DARIAH-DE
Contributor 4e13ea0120fe3bf20f327be6bc3c26515121bf7a5c6ca732609136e5e4d2d777(at)
Publication Year 2021
Rights CC-BY-3.0-DE; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language German
Resource Type text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle; Dataset
Format text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle
Size 486 Bytes
Version 2021-04-08T12:28:15.387
Discipline Humanities; Literary Studies