ENGAGE Biocrates GWA meta analyses - data


These files contain the summary statistics of the meta analyses performed in Draisma, H., Pool, R., Kobl, M. et al. Genome-wide association study identifies novel genetic variants contributing to variation in blood metabolite levels. Nat Commun 6, 7208 (2015) (https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms8208).

In this directory you can find the meta-analyses outputs per metabolic trait, generated by METAL. Format: tab-delimited.

Legend to column names: - MarkerName: Name (rsid) of marker; - Allele1: Allele 1; - Allele2: Allele 2; - Freq1: Frequency of allele 1; - FreqSE: Standard error of the above frequency; - MinFreq: Frequency minumum; - MaxFreq: Frequency maximum; - Effect: Effect size (beta); - StdErr: Standard error of effect size; - P-value: P value based on (Effect/StdErr)^2 statistic; - Direction: Direction of effect (+,- or ? denoting positive, negative or missing effect, respectively) [for cohort input order, c.f. file "MACohortInputOrder.csv"]; - NTot: Total sample size for this marker; - HetISq: Heterogeneity I^2 parameter; - HetChiSq: Heterogeneity Chi^2 statistic; - HetDf: Heterogeneity degrees of freedom; - HetPVal: Heterogeneity P value, based on above Chi^2 statistic.

Note(1): Meta-analyses were performed after pre-filtering on HWE P value > 1.0e-6, excluding results that strongly deviate from HWE.

Note(2): These files have been post meta-analysis filtered on the following criteria: - HetDF > 0: HetDf==0 means that only for only one cohort the meta-analysis has been performed, hence this is by definition not a meta-analysis result; - HetISq < 75: This filters out markers of high meta-analysis heterogeneity.

Note(3): File "MACohortInputOrder.csv" contains the meta-analysis cohort input order for each metabolite. Format: comma-separated.

DOI https://doi.org/10.34894/JFWWS4
Related Identifier https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms8208
Metadata Access https://dataverse.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.34894/JFWWS4
Creator Pool, Renee ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Pool, Renee
Publication Year 2020
Rights CC0 Waiver; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
OpenAccess true
Contact Pool, Renee (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/csv; application/x-bzip
Size 5873; 58504391; 61263387; 59393727; 58853942; 42727199; 61717568; 61613768; 45783326; 59828155; 60090082; 61802280; 62038931; 42629698; 43126415; 43443741; 59493651; 62411495; 42754909; 56118402; 61073878; 61446493; 60973417; 60803335; 61253212; 61814577; 61749582; 61472084; 61674718; 61947300; 61729433; 61836711; 60410233; 61731996; 61231113; 61471746; 53931325; 61496316; 61828170; 61248324; 62389174; 62295509; 61447103; 61318531; 60995319; 61607479; 61957913; 61854275; 61474850; 61143014; 61296793; 61405995; 62358823; 62101967; 61660974; 45171276; 61514779; 61566823; 61533016; 61890941; 58004142; 61775849; 61556951; 61549450; 61642054; 61971660; 61652139; 61694799; 61768719; 61440777; 61626388; 59839099; 60175398; 61349919; 61412537; 61567316; 61283195; 61544983; 61776850; 61730713; 61526996; 61539918; 61456138; 61546712; 61599543; 61776420; 61109643; 61619465; 61473961; 61248390; 61327399; 61592495; 61584553; 61488011; 61429182; 61328799; 61324899; 61539159; 59753473; 61653372; 61538449; 61501980; 61453820; 59853291; 61628636; 61447184; 61619830; 61626586; 60889623; 61640252; 61276507; 61024210; 61120205; 61281966; 61385642; 61914685; 61302359; 61215336; 60570671; 61880330; 61561400; 60528470; 60355072; 60420944; 60527708; 58770259; 57889607; 60206649; 60041953; 60098431
Version 1.0
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine
Spatial Coverage Amsterdam