Landscape typology of Slovenia


The database includes landscape typology of Slovenia from 1996 (last updated in 2023) with nine landscape types combined into four landscape type groups. This was the first partly computerized typology of Slovenia. It was done on the basis of four data layers: the surface elevation and inclination, and lithology and vegetation types. The inclination and elevation data were based on a 100-meter digital elevation model, and the lithology and vegetation data were obtained through digitization of a 1:250,000 lithological map with thirty-seven basic units and a vegetation map with sixty-two basic units. Both digitized layers were rasterized to a 100-meter grid. All four layers were then generalized, simplified and overlaid. The boundaries were manually plotted, mostly following morphological structure and larger watercourses. In the end delineated landscape units were classified into nine landscape types, which were further combined into four landscape type groups. For methodological details and data sources see these two articles: Perko, D. 1998: The regionalization of Slovenia. Geografski zbornik 38; Perko, D., Ciglič, R., Hrvatin, M. 2021: Landscape macrotypologies and microtypologies of Slovenia. Acta geographica Slovenica 61-3). The shp file has four attributes: tipi (landscape types in Slovene), skupine (landscape type groups in Slovene), types (landscape types in English), groups (landscape type groups in English).

The dataset contains one shp file with landscape types and landscape type groups of Slovenia. Projected Coordinate System used for the spatial datasets is: EPSG 3794.

Related Identifier References
Metadata Access
Creator Perko, Drago; Ciglič, Rok ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Slovenian Research Agency Crossref Funder ID L1-7542 Advancement of Computationally Intensive Methods for Efficient Modern General-Purpose Statistical Analysis and Inference; Slovenian Research Agency Crossref Funder ID L6-3643 Determination of Natural LandscapeTypes of Slovenia Using a Geographic Information System; Slovenian Research Agency Crossref Funder ID L6-6852 Landscape Diversity and Hotspots of Slovenia; Slovenian Research Agency Crossref Funder ID P6-0101 Geography of Slovenia
Rights Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 250.5 kBytes
Discipline Geography; Geosciences; Geospheric Sciences; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (15.000 LON, 46.000 LAT); Slovenia