Quality and capacity in inclusive research with people with learning disabilities


Three focus groups, one involving researchers with learning disabilities who lead and conduct their own research, one of researchers with and without learning disabilities collaborating as co-researchers, and one of academic researchers with experience of gathering data from or with people with learning disabilities, will each meet for a series of encounters exploring core themes and sensitive tensions emerging from all the groups. Data from this process will inform a focus group meeting of policy makers and research commissioners and a final joint analysis of the knowledge shared and developed. The data collection made available therefore consists of: (1) Data collection folder containing focus groups summaries from every location and a (2) Data Records folder containing transcripts as well as reflexive field notes and memos. This study aims to take stock by bringing people together to share experiences, debate issues and build capacity. The objectives are to produce guidance on the issues and challenges in inclusive research, develop materials and case studies of practices that are breaking down barriers, making advances and challenging orthodoxies, and generate criteria for quality in inclusive research. Increasingly people with learning disabilities are calling for greater participation in research about them. Policy-makers similarly recognise this need. Thus people with learning disabilities steer research through involvement in advisory groups and commissioning, and shape and conduct research. Discussions of the potential and limitations of such inclusive research are based largely on individual reflections.

Research Population: (1)Research experiences and views of researchers with learning disabilities & their supporters: 21 individuals across 2 focus groups representing 7 research or self-advocacy groups; (2) Research experiences and views of researchers with learning disabilities and academic researchers who work collaboratively on research projects: 13 individuals in 1 focus group including 3 collaborations; (3) Research experiences and views of academic researchers with experience of gathering data from or with people with learning disabilities: 9 individuals; and (4) Research experiences and views of policy-makers/founders of inclusive research: 4 individuals.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-851891
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=781900adc46c9964524eb663cd9aa00a4d3c4445c6ee663dec77ce944b7fb0a9
Creator Nind , M, University of Southampton
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2015
Funding Reference ESRC
Rights Melanie Nind, University of Southampton; The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Text
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Bristol, Leeds, London, Manchester; England