Age model and grain size distribution of the fine fraction of ODP Site 114-704


The physical properties of sediments beneath an upwelling area in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean (ODP Hole 704A) were investigated. Highly significant correlations characterize the relationship of carbonate content to bulk density (R = 0.85), carbonate content to porosity (R = 0.84), and carbonate content to impedance (R = 0.84). No relationship exists between carbonate content and compressional-wave velocity (R = 0.24), indicating that amplitude variations in impedance are primarily controlled by variations in bulk density, which, in turn, are controlled by climatically driven biogenic opal and carbonate deposition. In general, maxima in impedance correspond to maxima in carbonate content (minima in opal content). The impedance record exhibits its most drastic change at about 2.4 Ma, marking dramatic increases in the average content of biogenic opal and the beginning of large-amplitude fluctuations. Between 0.7 and 0.4 Ma carbonate content, bulk density, and grain density decrease while opal content drastically increases. Similar changes have been observed in sediments beneath an upwelling cell off northwest Africa, indicating an oceanwide enhancement in upwelling or in the calcite corrosiveness of bottom water that appears to be isochronous.

Supplement to: Mienert, Jürgen; Nobes, David C (1991): Physical properties of sediments beneath Polar Front upwelling regions in the subantarctic South Atlantic (Hole 704A). In: Ciesielski, PF; Kristoffersen, Y; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 114, 671-683

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Mienert, Jürgen; Nobes, David C ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1991
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 2 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (7.420W, -46.880S, 7.421E, -46.879N); South Atlantic Ocean
Temporal Coverage Begin 1987-04-25T13:30:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1987-05-03T10:14:00Z