Data for "Human voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channel properties underlie sustained fast AP signaling" article


These data files accompany article "Human voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channel properties underlie sustained fast AP signaling" by René Wilbers and colleagues, 2022

Abstract: Human cortical pyramidal neurons are large, have extensive dendritic trees, and yet have surprisingly fast input-output properties: rapid subthreshold synaptic membrane potential changes are reliably encoded in timing of action potentials (APs). Here, we tested whether biophysical properties of voltage-gated sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) currents in human pyramidal neurons can explain their fast input-output properties. Human Na+ and K+ currents exhibited more depolarized voltage-dependence, slower inactivation and faster recovery from inactivation than their mouse counterparts. Computational modeling showed that despite lower Na+ channel densities in human neurons, the biophysical properties of Na+ channels resulted in higher channel availability and contributed to fast AP kinetics stability. Finally, human Na+ channel properties also resulted in a larger dynamic range for encoding of subthreshold membrane potential changes. Thus, biophysical adaptations of voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels enable fast input-output properties of large human pyramidal neurons.

Metadata Access
Creator Goriounova, Natalia (ORCID: 0000-0002-5917-983X); Wilbers, René ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Goriounova, Natalia
Publication Year 2022
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Goriounova, Natalia (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/csv; text/x-python-script; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; audio/mod; application/x-msdownload
Size 10297; 11751; 846; 1501; 5856; 5082; 10448; 2482; 35609; 3070; 2543679; 179094; 108029; 1472; 3875; 2932; 3663; 3353; 15249; 1951; 4735; 8037; 8224; 302224; 15095411; 302011; 3587; 4614; 4220; 4326; 4056; 4046; 4070; 4080; 4189; 4303; 242; 346694; 213732; 548562; 3602; 3711; 3809; 3706; 3723; 3690; 3670; 3667; 3814; 3726; 3616; 368029; 353819; 630847; 4417; 2795; 6858; 5373; 4072; 2282; 5768; 4084; 831
Version 3.0
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine