Replication Data for: Wide lag time distributions break a trade-off between reproduction and survival in bacteria


Code and text file with parameter values to replicate simulations presented in Figure 6 of the paper. The code produces two files per replicate with the values of the traits u and v in the population over evolutionary time. The parameters can be adjusted in the text file and are: K = carrying capacity; n0= initial size of the population at the start of a growth cycle; doubrate= doubling rate; u0= initial value of u for all individuals in the population; v0= initial value of v for all individuals in the population; u= mutation rate; mutsize= size of a mutational step; numrep= number of evolutionary replicates to run; numcycles = number of growth cycles per replicate (the default is to run each simulation until >95% of the individuals have u=0 but the simulations can also be run for a fixed number of growth cycles per replicate which is set by this parameter. To use this option go to lines 71-72 of the code and change accordingly).

Metadata Access
Creator Moreno-Gámez, Stefany; Kiviet, Daniel J.; Vulin, Clément; Schlegel, Susan; Schlegel, Kim; van Doorn, G. Sander; Ackermann, Martin
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Moreno-Gamez, Stefany
Publication Year 2020
Rights CC0 Waiver; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Moreno-Gamez, Stefany (Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/plain
Size 6823; 91
Version 1.1
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine