These datasets contain the magnetotelluric (MT) impedances calculated from the electrical resistivity models of Tenerife Island (Canary Islands) and Balearic Islands.
The Tenerife model was obtained from the 3D inversion of 148 MT sites (Piña-Varas et al. 2014). Model responses have been computed at 339 locations regularly distributed over the island, spaced about 3.3 km apart, in a period range between 0.1 and 10^5 s.
The 3-D lithospheric model for the Balearic islands was built based on the crustal and lithospheric information (Ayala et al. 2015) and using the resistivity values from Broad Band MT data in Majorca Island (Pous et al.,1995) as a constraint. The full impedances have been computed at each cell of the model for the inland locations, and along the submarine line cable locations, in both cases spaced about 2 km apart, for periods from 0.1 s to 10^5 s.