The LTER site Zöbelboden was equipped with highly modern infrastructure to assess the effects of extreme climate events on the forest ecosystem. The instruments include eddy covariance measurements for CO2 and water vapor fluxes at a tower (900 m a.s.l), and soil respiration auto-chambers, as well as combined sap flow sensors with automated dendrometers in the main footprint area of the eddy tower. This is the so called intensive plot 2 (IP2), which is equipped by a number of different field measurement devices for long-term monitoring (lysimeters water sampling, soil moisture and temperature sensors, manual dendrometers, deposition, litter fall) and supplemented by other monitoring activities (tree inventory, needle and leaf chemistry, soil chemistry). An optical multi-parameter probe for dissolved nitrogen and carbon was installed in the measuring weir of the catchment runoff at 577 m a.s.l. There, weekly water quality, runoff, and meteorology is monitored since many years. The related metadata refer to sap flow measurements and automated dendrometer records. The data can be viewed and downloaded via the link provided using the station names “ZOE_5250B00”, “ZOE_5005B00”, “ZOE_5234B00”, “ZOE_5004B00”, “ZOE_5230B00”, “ZOE_5227B00”, “ZOE_5141B00”, “ZOE_5164B00”, “ZOE_5064B00”, “ZOE_5079B00”, “ZOE_5082B00”, “ZOE_5106B00”.